Robotics and Automation

NOMAD’s Autonomous Soil Sampling: Revolutionizing Geological Exploration in Saudi Arabia


NOMAD, developed in partnership with ERG, is a robotic system to autonomously drill, sample, store and analyze soil sampling for geological exploration. It was developed to operate in difficult landscapes, like those in Saudi Arabia, thanks to its advanced technology inspired by space exploration. Read More

Progress Management System for Construction Companies


The quickest and most straightforward solution to follow and record construction projects by managing the progress with 360° image capture allied to AI. SK Godelius, in conjunction with Engineering and Construction (ICSK), has developed a Construction Progress Management System which uses all these new technological tools and lays the foundations for radical gains in productivity and efficiency. Read More

Robotic development for isolation of electrical power sources: Los Pelambres, Antofagasta Minerals, Chile


Development of a robotic platform to execute tasks, which can receive instruction through the combination of optical and force sensors, and at the same time, control the precision positioning required for the activity. Read More

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